Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Video Assignment 101

I assume whomever is reading this is from my FICM course and thus have already a general brief onto what my group and I will be doing for our video project.

     We hope to show a little bit more of KL and incorporate natural light into the video in a creative way. Although length of the shot, video angles and scenes are still in the drawing board as of the time that I am writing this, I will contribute some ideas that we may perhaps be able to use for the video assignment.

Extreme Wide Shot

As an example, we would be able to use an extreme wide angle shot of the city of Kuala Lumpur to establish the setting that it is. It would be very interesting to show KL perhaps during the evening or morning light when the light is warm and not harsh with the twin towers seen in the shot. It would give a feel to the audience of the type of city and setting that the characters in the video would be in.

Medium Shot

A very common shot to use, the medium shot would be used to show Thomas hand gestures and his action when he speaks. It would also be able to show the background of where the character.

Two Shots

A two shot scene from the movie, Ted.

A two shot, as seen in the picture above from a scene in the movie Ted, is an essential scene that will definitely be used in the video assignment to establish a relationship between characters. Although nothing is confirmed as of yet, but this will definitely be seen at least more than once to ensure that the chemistry between characters of our video are properly shown.
    The types of shots mentioned are just possible examples of how we would incorporate some of the different kinds of shot lengths into our video and a taste of what is to come.

Scene locations

     Possible scene locations in my opinion would be as mentioned beforehand, the streets of KL and maybe even a scene at the KLCC park especially since it provides a very good setting with the greenery and high powered fountains there. Aside from that, I think it would be good to have a bedroom scene as well to show Thomas, studying as an introduction to the kind of person Thomas scene. We hope to mix in Taylor's University in it as well along with other locations. But as of now, there is only so much that I can reveal without spoiling the surprise of what is to come. However, we hope that once the video is ready to roll, you guys will enjoy it!

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